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Wallachian Kingdom

  You will find the Wallachian Kingdom in the old good Europe, in the Czech Republic, in the region of east Moravia. Just climb the memorable mountain Radhošt and you will see it all. On the east side, the kingdom borders with Slovakia. Just take a walk on the ridge of Javorníky and White Carpathian Mountains, this is the border. On the north, the kingdom neighbours with Lachia and their towns of Frýdek-Místek, Nový Jičín and Příbor. Westwards the mountains gradually recede, and behind the town of Hostýn they meet a rich neighbour - region of Haná. On the south, nearby the towns Zlín, Vizovice and villages surrounding Slavičín, are the neighbours of Wallachians - Moravian Slovaks and Luhačovické Zálesí. That´s the way it is! All the roads lead to the Wallachian Kingdom

From the entire world ...... Air connection to the Wallachian Kingdom, to its airport in Ostrava - Mošnov, is provided by two airlines - Air Ostrava and CSA. After the arrival in Prague, continue with another one hour flight eastwards and you will be in our country. Europeans can drive to us through Prague or Brno and then take the north-east direction.

From other parts of the Czech Republic

By car : If you drive by car, you´ll be using some of the following roads:

If you drive from Prague: You can take highway D1 to Brno and from Brno take E462 through Olomouc to Hranice na Moravě, where you turn on E422 and continue in direction of Valašské Meziříčí, where you´ll be already in the Wallachian Kingdom. You can also continue farther on E462 towards Nový Jičín and Příbor or all the way to Frýdek-Místek and enter the kingdom from its north-west side. The trip will take you six or more hours depending on the speed of you car.

By bus : Bus connection to the kingdom is fairly good. Just take a look at the bus timetables in larger cities or ask at information desks. You need to get to Vsetín, Valašské Meziříčí, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm etc. Ticket prices and timetables change fast, so it does make sense to write about them. But you will manage.

By train : The main railway, which will get you to us, is route 270 (Prague) - Česká Třebová - Přerov - Bohumín. However, in Hranice na Moravě you must change to route 280, which will get you to Valašské Meziříčí and then even farther to Vsetín. If you take a train to Rožnov, do not forget to change in Valašské Meziříčí to route 281, which is serviced by a red coloured bumpy train. This train will slowly get you there.

From Slovakia By car : From Slovakia to us lead several roads. The most frequently used are E442 through Makov, road 49 from Puchov or road 57 from Nová Dubnica.

Why you should visit us in the Wallachian Kingdom? We named year 2003 the "Year of true Wallachian hospitality". The main reason is that we want to entice for a visit as many of you as possible, and we also want to boast to you. We certainly have something to boast about! You can admire unique museums, historic castles and chateau, beautiful nature and primarily the famous folklore, hospitality, cakes called "frgále" and plum brandy. For this purpose we prepared for you series of thematic routes, which will lead you to the most remarkable sights our kingdom can offer and which also will hide everything you should not see.

During your stay you´ll be thrilled by many cultural events - Return of the first Wallachian astronaut from Space, Gathering of spooks at Štramberská Trúba and the like.

What is the best way everything to see and experience? To make your travels even more interesting, we prepared for you a fantastic contest - Travelling with Wallachian passport 2003!!! Get this original and unique Wallachian passport and travel with it to the most interesting corners and programs of the Wallachian Kingdom. Discover the mystery of castles, the gone by era in museums, hospitality of cosy little pubs and boarding establishments. During your travel collect stamps, pick up your Wallachian currency "Jurovalšár" - you will save and you can win many interesting "Wallachian prices"!

Get detailed information in the Guide through the Wallachian Kingdom or stop by in Visitor´s centre of the Wallachian Kingdom, Dolní 494, 744 01 Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, telephone/fax +420 556 839 274, telephone: + 420 556 831 402, E-mail:, WEB:

If you want to experience the atmosphere of the above mentioned places, do not hurry. Always plan for at least three days in the Wallachian Kingdom.

That’s got you thinking, hasn’t it? Europeans, Yanks, folks from down under, everybody, who we are about to introduce to the back of beyond. The Wallachian Kingdom? What’s that? Where is it?

12:00:10 - Pondělí, 30.05.05 - 37669x - trvalý odkaz

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